Squatting Alternatives

For a while now, there has been a huge misconception about squatting, the usual train of thought is trespass on private property or basically stealing a property, this is a misinformed view of squatting. There is also the view that most squatters end up getting evicted, the reason being that most squatters don't know the law.

and this is where it seems confusing what we need to get our heads around
squatter's rights are a specific form of adverse possession.

there you have it, so it is possible to achieve adverse possession, without necessarily squatting.

it's worth looking at adverse possession or should we say squatting from the adverse possession point of view. many squats i've seen usually get evicted after maximum a few years, and some within months of starting.

many of the beings into squatting are peaceful and run various activities however since they have kept their mindsets to squatting, they are missing a key to receiving some stability for their activities and sharing.

hopefully more squatters will begin to take the time to really look at adverse possession closely and what it involves so they have some sustainable locations to develop from.

my thoughts would be get studying adverse possession if you're thinking of or are required to do some squatting.

heres a link to the land registry on Adverse possession
Land Registry Practice Guide 4 – Adverse possession of registered land

Although this may seem unrelated, it is worth comprehending more on Land and Real Estate, and all that it encompasses: http://robcourtofrecord.wordpress.com
It is recomended you start right at the beginning, Rob has been stopping many foreclosures by acknowledging ad accepting the deed in the grantor / grantee position and many are having success with this in the U.S. don't be put off by it being mostly for the U.S. as there are elements that relate to the planet.

he also has a you tube channel and there is a link showing all the successes on America, be sure to check that website out when you get a chance.

this article is also worth a read:
The secret house in the valley: Family who built home in the woods without planning permission can't be evicted because nobody noticed for more than FOUR YEARS

Energy Refuge

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