Many people have been fooled into thinking that they owe the National Debt, the fact is this is just a lie pure and simple.
So if you are striking, protesting, are dealing with cuts of any shape or form..
Whether it be job cuts, benefits cuts. funding cuts, you name it Cu ts.
then this post is for you.
Forget protesting, forget the occupy movement, they are designed controlled opposition. more on that another time....
If you are striking, what you should make copies of this letter and hand it out at the strikes.
So here it is straight from the horses mouth... notice the horseguards. ;-)
also visit this post for information on how to deal with cut related issues:
some of the examples there were created for Atos Origin, however you can create your own solution for just about any cut, there is also other information relating to giving your letters more power in that thread and who knows that website might help you on other issues also
It's a simple offer and acceptance of a cut, contract fraud, breach of contract and possibly more ....
another link of interest is this one, as it explains why things are the way they are today:
iceland arrests former CEO of Failed Bank
Another good read it this..... proceeded to tell me that this site is telling people "secrets",[his words] that could put us all out of a job,and even get people locked up.How so?,i continued with my best De Niro acting.Well he said,for some reason ALL mortgages and loans are Unlawful and judges ARE NOT allowed to adjudicate in financial dispute matters,and could be imprisoned if it became common knowledge,outside of the B.A.R.He asked again if i had heard of the site,to which i replied no. Their was GENUINE FEAR and concern in his eyes guys,and the straws that they been clutching seem very very short.
so, now for the keywords, to get this message out. lol
sorry if the words look like doom porn, but we got to reach where it's needed.
strikes, protests on London, England and wales, unions, union members,
occupy wallstreet, and don't forget the mortgage fraud...., social unrest, world war III, Nazi state, marshall law, poor laws, national insurance, insurance policies, david cameron, the telegraph, the guardian, your local news, channel 4, bbc 1, moorish law, the catholic church, christianity, government policy, act of parliament, disability pensions, the herald, nuclear weapons, new world order, moors, king and queen, the bible, the best selling book of all time, carbon tax is bullshit, save the planet, pirates of the caribbean, skull and bones, money and debt, finance news, travel nes, accomodation in britain, Scotland, Ireland, the church of england, cuts, anti cuts, anticuts, protesters, 2011, riots, bombing, embassy hoax, 9/11 bombing, lady gaga, lol, in the news, as it happened, dollars, yen, war on terror, the biggest hoax, inside job, flouridation, poison, work, slavery, socialist, socialists, fabian society, media, mainstream, music
greek debt, sovereignty, spain, portugal, iceland, debt, debt, government loans, student loads, bonds, securities, and i'll add more as and when....